Non-profit law firm

Our client is a not-for-profit law firm based in Melbourne, with staff of 170 across Victoria providing services across all areas of law. Their services are offered across the Metro and region, providing support to other firms nationally in Australia.
Case Study


Melbourne, Victoria

Length of relationship

4 years

Key equipment/products/services provided

Cloud services, Microsoft 365, hosting, VoIP telecommunications.

The problem

Our client had a breakdown in relations with their existing provider. They also struggled with remote connectivity for staff around Victoria. When we first started working with this organisation, they were heavily paper-based, carting around massive collections of files.

Case Study Legal

The consequences

The client outgrew their MSP and was unable to scale IT services, support, and technologies. With no working relationship with an MSP, they were unable to provide services to clients that desperately needed support. Collaboration and communication between remote teams and individuals was challenging, and the high-paper load was inconvenient, inefficient, and unsustainable. All of these issues combined to create productivity losses, frustration for staff and clients, and workload inefficiencies.

Case Study Legal

The solution

We were able to implement Cloud services and dictation software that heavily reduced the reliance on paper. Microsoft 365 was also implemented to increase the fluidity of the workforce and ensure that staff were able to effectively communicate with each other regardless of location.

Next, we implemented hosted servers, which allowed staff to access documentation much more effectively than before, as they had previously been reliant on physical infrastructure at their offices. We also implemented VOIP which further augmented their communication capabilities.

As a larger MSP, we were able to plan, implement and manage their cloud migration and implementation of other tech services, providing training and support along the way.

Case Study Legal

The challenges

Introducing a new IT strategy that included solutions for remote working, as well as implementing and training staff to utilise these solutions. Another challenge was creating solutions in line with compliance and regulations while also focusing on sustainability and creating a paperless environment.