Requests for privileged access to systems and applications are validated when first requested.
Privileged access to systems and applications is automatically disabled after 12 months unless revalidated.
Privileged access to systems and applications is automatically disabled after 45 days of inactivity.
Privileged access to systems and applications is limited to only what is required for users and services to undertake their duties.
Privileged accounts are prevented from accessing the internet, email and web services.
Privileged users use separate privileged and unprivileged operating environments.
Privileged operating environments are not virtualised within unprivileged operating environments.
Unprivileged accounts cannot logon to privileged operating environments.
Privileged accounts (excluding local administrator accounts) cannot logon to unprivileged operating environments.
Just-in-time administration is used for administering systems and applications.
Administrative activities are conducted through jump servers.
Credentials for local administrator accounts and service accounts are unique, unpredictable and managed.
Windows Defender Credential Guard and Windows Defender Remote Credential Guard are enabled.
Use of privileged access is centrally logged /and protected from unauthorised modification and deletion, monitored for signs of compromise, and actioned when cyber security events are detected.
Changes to privileged accounts and groups are centrally logged and protected from unauthorised modification and deletion, monitored for signs of compromise, and actioned when cyber security events are detected.