#4 Things to Do Right Now to Prevent Catastrophic Data Loss

So, that headline probably caught your eye and you’re thinking “Hm… are they being a little overdramatic?”. And to answer that, we’d like you to think of a scenario where you come into work, and you’re locked out of your system by ransomware. Or where a burst pipe has soaked through your server where all your backups are located. Or where a remote employee’s family member deleted a bunch of stuff off their laptop so they could download a new game. Whether it’s an attack, an innocent mistake, or an unforeseen disaster, data loss is no joke. Here’s how to prevent a catastrophe tomorrow with a few simple changes you can make today.

#1 – Perform a data security audit

This is a data assessment process that will organise your data effectively so you can see where vulnerabilities lie, what levels of protection certain types of data need, and more. It’s will show you what issues you should be dealing with and determine the best ways to protect your data.

4 Things To Do Right Now To Prevent Catastrophic Data Loss

#2 – Set up a data backup system

These systems allow you to restore any business data that is lost or no longer accessible on your network, making them a critical safety net in the event that your onsite system is compromised. These don’t have to be complicated or expensive to be effective, and in recent years the cloud has become the go to backup solution for businesses looking for a secure and accessible service that is also budget-friendly.These solutions can be customised according to your business needs, with features that allow you to backup priority data automatically in real-time orto save your applications and software as well as your data.

#3 – Implement data encryption

Data can be intercepted in several ways; while it’s stored on your network or device, while it’s in transit to another party, or while it’s on their device. This makes it essential to have comprehensive end-to-end encryption incorporated into your network and your backup system. Most cloud providers offer this as a standard feature, which makes it easy to add to your service, which makes cloud migration a very appealing option.

#4 – Protect your network and remote teams

Preventing data loss is always better than a cure, so it’s also important to focus on upgrading your current IT security to make it more robust against attacks and losses. This can start with an IT security audit and should include employee training as well as the implementation of security applications. When employees understand what the costs of data loss are, how they are targeted by cybercriminals, and how data loss occurs, it helps to protect your business as well as protect their personal data. Good IT security measures include strong password policies and multifactor authentication, network monitoring, software security updates, and Robust IT security policies for personal and work devices, remote working, and more.

4 Things To Do Right Now To Prevent Catastrophic Data Loss

At Otto, we know that preventing data loss takes a partnership between technology, organisations, and people. That’s what defines our approach to IT security, helping businesses of all sizes find budget-friendly, comprehensive solutions that are the right fit for your industry, your business, and your people. Chat to us today and make sure that data loss doesn’t derail your business.

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Written by

Milan Rajkovic

Milan is the CEO at Otto – where his focus is changing IT up. Milan is highly focused and skilled in Storage, IT Service Management, IT Strategy, Professional Services, and Servers.