5 Good Tech Habits to Adopt in 2022

As the New Year begins and we all settle back into our work routines, it’s easy to forget our resolutions and slip back into bad habits! Well, you may have quit your gym routine already or failed to finally clean out the garage, but there’s no reason to give up just yet. Here are some good tech habits that are simple to apply during your workday that will make your year a little better!

#1 – Take a break from screens

Sitting for hours on end at the computer isn’t good for your health, your productivity, or your business’s bottom line. It’s in everyone’s best interests that you take regular breaks throughout the day. For optimal brain function, researchers suggest that you take a 10-minute break every hour – and that you do something entirely unrelated to work while you take it. Have a coffee and stare out the window, read a chapter of a book, walk around the garden – anything! This causes a drop in stress hormones and fatigue, and a significant spike in focus, problem-solving, and creative skills.

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#2 – Improve your password protection

First, install a good password manager, then change all your passwords to strong options recommended by the password manager. This app will secure and encrypt all your passwords so you don’t have to remember them (except, of course, the password for the app itself). This is the single most effective thing we can all do for our personal and work data safety, and it’s never been easier to do.

#3 – Commit to updates

Updates on our mobiles, laptops, apps, and PCs can be a nuisance, but most of these include critical patches that make our software and systems more secure. Rather than being constantly bothered by updates, set aside some time each week for them to run. For example, on a Wednesday evening after work hours. That way, you aren’t getting interrupted and frustrated during work hours and your devices are properly secured and functional.

#4 – Improve your posture

We’ve all heard that sitting is the new smoking, but it seems a lot more difficult to quit! Some good compromises include using a sit/stand desk, walking during your breaks, and sitting on an ergonomically supportive chair. It also helps to take up some physical exercises that improve posture and alleviate the health problems that come from sitting, including yoga, pilates, and other core-strengthening activities.

#5 – Be a little less social

Social media is fun, there’s no doubt about it! But there comes a point where your screen time on social media becomes unhealthy, affecting self-worth, relationships, mental health, and more. It’s a good idea to keep your social media consumption moderate – around 30 minutes to one hour per day – and balance this with exercise, hobbies, and time with friends and family. Try to live more in the moment and less online, and you can slowly wean yourself off those dopamine hits from every like!

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At Otto, we know how important it is to be able to rely on your tech. That’s why our talented IT support teamis available 24/7, every day of the week to help you out. No problem is too big or too small, and we’ll do everything we can to get you back up and running as quickly as possible. That’s one New Year’s resolution we’ll always keep!

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Written by

Milan Rajkovic

Milan is the CEO at Otto – where his focus is changing IT up. Milan is highly focused and skilled in Storage, IT Service Management, IT Strategy, Professional Services, and Servers.