Change the Way You Work – Why Two Monitors are Better Than One

For most people, working with a single monitor is the norm. Maybe it’s the way your workstation is configured, the amount of space you have on your desk, or maybe it’s just the way it’s always been. But we’ve got some seriously impressive reasons why you should consider adding a second screen – and how the dual-monitor approach can transform the way you work.

Dual Monitors are Improving Productivity in Every Industry

Having two screens may seem like showing off, but it’s actually a far more effective way to work. A study by Jon Peddie Research showed that dual-monitor setups increased productivity in employees by 42% on average, which are gains that no organisation can afford to ignore.

Dell, the computer giants, also studied this effect through Wichita State University and the University of Utah to compare single vs. dual monitor use. They found that computer users were much more satisfied with their workflow when using two monitors, that they can complete tasks 2 minutes faster with a dual monitor setup than a single monitor, and that the overall productivity equals an average of 56 additional workdays per employee.

These findings are significant and can’t be ignored, which is why many companies are considering changing from a single screen or large screen to two smaller screens across their departments. So, what is it about having two screens that just works so well?

Why We Love the Dual-Screen Setup

In the tech and managed IT services industry, dual-screen setups have been the norm for many years, with some mavericks even going for four-screen setups. The reasons why our industry loves this setup is for the same reasons your employees likely will too:

  • It creates enough space to have multiple windows open at the same time
  • It makes it easier to find information quickly
  • It helps you to pull information from multiple resources or apps at the same time
  • It reduces app switching
  • It prevents a lot of frustration when trying to find a page, application, or resource quickly
  • It makes it easier to perform and track multiple tasks

For example, if you are collaborating with a team member on a project, you can keep that app open on one screen and perform research on the other. If you’re in a video meeting, you can keep your app open on your first screen and pull up resources on the second. It simply makes information more accessible when you need it most, allowing you to track events, monitor resources, collaborate, research, and fulfil your tasks more simply and more rapidly.

It’s also surprisingly inexpensive. After all, a 21-inch screen is usually significantly more expensive than two 17-inch screens yet having the two screens makes people more productive and less frustrated than using a single screen. And that’s a win for your business as well as your employees. And with that in mind, it’s worth thinking about implementing a dual monitor strategy in your workplace – after all, your employees will love it as much as your bottom line will!

Go Dual Monitor Otto IT – Your New IT Department

At Otto, we’re all about making tech human – and that means delivering IT solutions that work for your business, make your life easier, and solve your problems rather than adding to them. Chat to our team today about managed IT services, IT support or upgrading your IT systems to dual-screen monitors.

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Written by

Milan Rajkovic

Milan is the CEO at Otto – where his focus is changing IT up. Milan is highly focused and skilled in Storage, IT Service Management, IT Strategy, Professional Services, and Servers.