In October 2021, it was announced that Australia would hit 100% net-zero emissions by 2050, with a mid-range goal of 35% by 2030. This commitment focusses on balancing emissions that are inevitable in a productive economy with efforts to minimise, counteract, and absorb these emissions. Essentially, to perfectly offset the emissions we produce without negatively impacting profitability and productivity.So, what kind of projects can your organisation consider to improve your carbon footprint? 

#1 – Migrating to the cloud 

There are a lot of well-known benefits of cloud migration, from cost reductions and easy scalability to enhanced collaboration. But many organisations don’t realise that it’s also better for the environment. Computing accounts for 1.4% of carbon emissions (which is set to increase to 14% by 2040), with data centres making up 45% of all computing. By using public cloud services like Microsoft Azure, AWS, and Google Cloud rather than onsite computing, each organisation can reduce their per-user carbon footprint by up to 30%. This is due to public cloud companies utilising high-efficiency equipment and renewable solutions, having a higher usage pattern (no servers staying on but not being used), higher refresh speeds, and locating cloud servers in locations that actively reduce cooling requirements.

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#2 – Implementing IoT solutions

IoT technology lets organisations monitor key aspects of their operations, using sensors that can report on energy usage, efficiency, geographic location, and any KPI that can be linked to carbon emissions. This can be applied in all organisations to monitor energy usage, equipment performance and efficiency, contributions from renewable resources, and more across the organisation or entire supply chain. With this level of oversight, decisions can be made quickly and more accurately to reduce carbon emissions. This can include pre-emptive repairs to machinery, rapid responses to energy spikes or spikes in emissions, re-routing logistics services, and much more.

#3 – Introducing remote working 

Most people have accessible remote working spaces, whether it’s a home office or a small, shared workspace in their neighbourhood. And many employees can work from home either on a near-permanent or frequent basis. This means your business needs less office space, and that means less energy usage from computing, air conditioning, heating, and lights. It also means employees don’t need to use their cars or public transport as often, reducing emissions even further. And thanks to the cloud, their work and co-workers are still at their fingertips wherever they are.

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#4 – Develop renewable energy projects 

Burning just one ton of coal for electricity generates around 1,893 kgs of greenhouse gasses, so making the switch to renewable energy – even partially – makes a massive difference to the sustainability of your organisation. The great news is that the tech is getting more efficient and more affordable every day, and that Federal and State governments are offering considerable subsidies to help commercial enterprises access them. What’s more, systems like solar power, high-efficiency equipment, and LED lights can all be integrated into smart facility management dashboards, allowing you to keep an eagle-eye on your consumption and performance.

Go green with Otto’s managed IT services and technologies 

At Otto, we pride ourselves on our human touch. Along with the most advanced tech solutions, security, and support, we offer our clients a strong personal relationship, an understanding of their business, and a commitment to keep our tech simple, affordable, and as green as possible. Chat to us today about how we can assist your business through innovative, sustainable IT solutions that suit your budget – and your goals.

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Written by

Milan Rajkovic

Milan is the CEO at Otto – where his focus is changing IT up. Milan is highly focused and skilled in Storage, IT Service Management, IT Strategy, Professional Services, and Servers.