Guidelines for Your Remote Working Policy

Remote working isn’t going away anytime soon – in fact, it’s the basis of the hybrid working model that looks like it’s here to stay. These teams deal with different technological challenges, IT security issues, and a different work environment as part of their day-to-day lives. Because of this, and because remote working is still relatively new, it’s important to have safety protocols and policies that help guide your remote working situation and make it functional as well as secure for your employees and organisation. Here are some basic elements contained in every solid remote working policy.

#1 – Eligibility criteria 

The hybrid office model works precisely because some roles can be carried out remotely while others cannot (or at least, they cannot be carried out as efficiently or as easily). Employees and organisations need to determine who can work remotely, who can work on-site, and where flexibility lies by analysing their work processes and operating models. Organisations also need situational criteria rather than blanketing an entire role. For example, a certain role may require some onsite time, but other work can be completed productively at a remote site.

#2 –Work hours and availability 

One of the main complaints about remote working is that it can lead to a situation where either you are always working or where you’re trying to manage employees who are putting in fewer hours or planning their hours for different times of the day. Your policy needs to be clear on what hours remote workers are expected to be available if there are certain roles where complete flexibility is allowed, and when team members can shut off. In most circumstances, a focus on productivity and not scheduled work hours can be incredibly rewarding for both parties.

Blog 7 Guidelines For Your Remote Working Policy

#3– Measuring productivity 

Since productivity is such a major concern and because traditional management styles aren’t equipped for remote teams, outlining how productivity will be measured is essential. These assessments and metrics should be applied across the board and be clarified from the start. It’s best to use a tool or technique that doesn’t make remote teams feel micromanaged, that looks at outcomes rather than hours, and is not obtrusive to integrate and utilise.

#4– Tech support and IT security 

Remote or hybrid working opens organisations up to a wide range of threats and vulnerabilities from personal devices, poor password management, unsecure networks, and much more. Therefore, it’s critical that organisations address this in a remote working policy. This should include instructions on required security software, allowed applications on work devices, securing personal devices and Wi-Fi networks, utilising password managers, and information on how to contact IT support resources.

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IT solutions and training for remote and hybrid offices 

At Otto, we can see how the workplace is changing, and we’re here to help our partners get the most from the hybrid work model while sensibly managing risks and keeping teams as productive as possible. Chat to us about how to design and implement IT solutions and policies for remote working teams, and we’ll deploy an affordable solution and train your staff to apply your IT policies and systems effectively.

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Written by

Milan Rajkovic

Milan is the CEO at Otto – where his focus is changing IT up. Milan is highly focused and skilled in Storage, IT Service Management, IT Strategy, Professional Services, and Servers.